15 June 2012

We All Have Parts...

What do you think when you hear the phrase "girl parts"? Raise your hand if you said "privey parts." It's natural for the mind to go in that direction, especially after years of being indoctrinated by our middle school peers. I want this blog to take a step back from that, to see a bigger picture.

In the dictionary, "part" has a plethora of definitions:

physical bits
a piece of something, a portion
a place
 a role that one plays
a talent
 an obligation, as in "to do one's part"
where your hair divides

It can also be a verb. "To part" means to divide or separate, to disagree, to let go of or relinquish, and even to die.

We use this word constantly every day: for the most part, on the part of, take part, or for my part.

So here I am, in my part of the web, playing my part, taking part in what I hope will be a dialogue with you, whether you're female or male, woman or man. This is where I pick apart the things that are part of my life, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, geographical or something else--all relating to me being female.

This blog started as a side project from the blog I share with my husband, to explore issues that could be uncomfortable or embarrassing for some of our followers there (not everyone wants to open their email to find an unwanted blog post about menstrual cups...)

This blog probably won't update as regularly as the other, so you can sign up to receive an email when there's a new post (in the right sidebar) or through the RSS feed (at the bottom of the page). Please leave me a comment if you have any questions or remarks. Please no flames or trolls--I will delete them. Tasteful jokes welcome.



  1. I have to leave a <3, since I can't leave a thumbs up sign, lol.

  2. Yay!! Thanks!

    And yes, there will be talk of menstrual cups!

  3. I thought of you the other day when I found a Lunette cup at a cloth diaper store up in Scottsdale :)
